New roof appeal

Our very old roof now needs replaced so we have begun a major project to fundraise and replace the entire roof of our Scout Hut.

Remembrance in Heath and Reach

The Group joined in with the annual Remembrance activities in Heath and Reach, with a short service at the war memorial to remember former villagers.

Try volunteering?

We’re looking for a few new adults to help us run the Group. Find out how you might get involved…

Water activity day

A hot, wet and exhausting day at Luton Hoo for the Beavers and Cubs where we did Paddleboarding, Kayaking, Sailing, Canoeing, Bellboating and Rafting. Videos (They might be a bit slow to load, sorry.) Photos Click the photo to see…

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Clearing the way

Scouts have recently been out and about clearing a long-forgotten public footpath. Despite a wall of greenery when we arrived, many thorns, and ample rubbish, the large team spent a large chunk of their weekend clearing the path and making…

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Moonlight gardening

It’s almost Spring, so time to get the bulbs planted and help with the Millennium Garden… OK we’re a bit late (it was a busy November and December!). However we’ve been out in the dark getting things planted, picking up…

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Sleepover at the Church

Heath and Reach Cubs recently spent a night ‘camping’ inside St. Leonard’s Church, learning about local history and helping out in the community. The Cubs were keen to find out more about the history of the village, and because the…

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